Culture News

Happy International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day!

Whilst we celebrate all the amazing women who work at and with Pekada, this day is more about reflection of what actionable change we have and can make in our little microcosm of the world to improve equity.

The theme of this year’s IWD is DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality.

For our clients, we have made a significant investment in technology that attempts to address some of the inherent gender based bias that exists in our industry, and breakdown the barriers that women can face when engaging with financial services.

For our team, the use of tech to allow full remote work and a 4 day work week are core to our employee offering no matter the gender or lifestage.

We recognize that the above are not point in time solutions, but ongoing and constant iterations to improve economic gender equality in the places we have a direct influence.


For more details and insights:





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Links we Like – February 2022

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What are the 8 dimensions of wellbeing?


When you think about wellbeing, you often think about your physical health. Are you exercising enough, eating well and keeping healthy habits? But, in reality, it is so much more than that.  

Your wellbeing is a conscious and deliberate process of making choices that help us to live our best life. A life full of purpose, satisfying work and play, joyful relationships, a healthy body and mind, financial confidence and ultimately happiness. 

According to research, a person’s wellbeing can be measured against eight dimensions of wellness: physical, spiritual, social, emotional, intellectual, occupations, environmental and financial.  

Each dimension means something different to everyone. Understanding what it means to you can help you uncover what you value in life, where your strengths are and what you might need to work on. 


The Physical Wellness Dimension involves things that keep us active and healthy. Our physical wellbeing is so important to our mental health, longevity and ensuring we live our best lives. This doesn’t mean we must all be athletes. But it does mean building good physical health habits, having a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and having the appropriate health care for our needs. The more we are in tune with our bodies and what they need, the less likely we will be to become reliant on the healthcare system or even our families and loved ones. 


The Intellectual Wellness Dimension involves things that keep our brains active and our intellect expanding. It’s about mastering new skills, learning new things or helping to educate others. Having the time and resources to keep your mind active and supporting your loved ones can help you live a long life. 


The Spiritual Wellness Dimension is a broad concept that represents one’s personal beliefs and values and involves having meaning, purpose, and a sense of balance and peace. It includes being able to volunteer your time to support causes that mean something to you and help others to live a more purposeful life. 


The Emotional Wellness Dimension involves the ability to express feelings, adjust to emotional challenges, cope with life’s stressors, and enjoy life. It includes building and nurturing relationships to strengthen our support networks and ensure we have the resources to spend time and money on those we love and the things we enjoy in life. 


The Financial Wellness Dimensions addresses your financial wellbeing. It covers your income, debt, savings and investments as well as your financial literacy. It also means having the resources to support and protect those you love. To live your best life, you need to be confident in your current financial situation or your future financial prospects.  


The Occupational Wellness Dimension involves aligning your work to what you value in life. Ensuring that you pursue work that has meaning and purpose and reflects your values, interests and beliefs. Living your best life means work shouldn’t feel like work. 


The Social Wellness Dimension involves having healthy relationships with friends, family and the community. Living your best life means living a life where you participate with others you care about and have the time to do so. 


The Environmental Wellness Dimension involves living in an environment that promotes positive wellbeing. Such as preserving areas where we can live, learn and work, providing pleasant, stimulating environments that support our wellbeing and offer the natural places and spaces to promote learning, contemplation and relaxation. We need to create the right environments to help us live our best lives now and into the future, for both ourselves and our loved ones.  

Our financial advice process will help you to uncover which areas of wellbeing are most important to you and how close you are to living a life aligned with those areas of wellbeing.  

Our advisers will then work with you to set goals and shape strategies to make sure you are on the right path to living your best life. A life full of purpose, satisfying work and play, joyful relationships, a healthy body and mind, financial confidence and ultimately happiness. 

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Why values matter

We all have values that we live by. They are the motivational drivers that help us determine what’s important in life. They give meaning to the things we do. They are individual to us, guide our behaviour, and allow us to feel fulfilment in life. 

But we’re not always consciously aware of what our values are. In fact, many of us rarely spend time stopping, thinking, and considering our values. 

Not knowing what we truly value in life can lead us to make bad decisions, inconsistent with what we want to achieve in life. It can cause us to escape into bad habits or look for quick wins to uplift ourselves. 

It’s easy to dismiss values too. We focus on what our society, culture or community values instead and try to meet these expectations. We don’t spend the time to articulate what our top five values are. And, it takes a lot of effort to know and accept what you value. This will often lead to decisions being made that don’t lead us to live our best life. We hit key turning points in our lives and do what society or others expect us to do. Not what we want to do for ourselves or those we love.  

For example, many of us from a young age are encouraged to save for our retirement. We spend the majority of our lives working hard so that we can do all the things we want when we retire. In fact, this is drilled into us so much that we are saving more than we need for retirement, with many people leaving their retirement savings untouched or spend down only a little.  

There’s a school of thought that suggests saving makes us feel happy and fulfilled. However, this is just a mask for what behavioural economics calls loss aversion, the observation that human beings experience losses asymmetrically more severely than equivalent gains. This overwhelming fear of loss leads us to make bad decisions, behave irrationally and, ultimately, give lawyers the job of bequeathing our assets to those we love. 

Understanding our values can help us make better decisions. In the above example, it can help us reduce our fear of loss and turn it into a positive gain, by giving our money meaning and spending it on something that is truly important to us. Our values help us define what success looks like for ourselves. And when we begin to live a life that meets our success criteria, we feel more fulfilled and happy – even if it means spending the savings we’ve spent years to create.


Values matter 

So, values matter to all of us. They are our guiding principles or guardrails that can keep us on track to living our best life. And, when we achieve our goals we feel a sense of meaning and purpose. We feel good about ourselves and driven to continue to live a life full of purpose. 

But defining what you value is hard. There are so many words to choose from. You’re often too busy to stop and wonder what really matters. This is where we come in. 

Using a framework based on the eight dimensions of wellbeing, we can help you to uncover what you value in life. We work with you to determine a set of household values then set goals and tasks to help you live a life more aligned with your values. We also keep you accountable, helping you to make decisions that take you closer to achieving your goals. And, we measure how you’re going and help you see the successes and failures, so that we can continue to make the best choices for both now and in the future. 



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The Office – December 2021

The Pekada team were not about to let the pandemic keep us down and have been busy.

  • Rhiannon goes back to school: The financial planning profession’s updated code of ethics requires financial advisers to complete a Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority approved degree by 2026 to continue working in the sector. All of the advisers at Pekada are already degree qualified and only need to complete a new ethics subject. Rhiannon has jumped in head first by doing the Deakin intensive structure. We hear that “intensive” is an appropriate adjective for the course and plenty of robust discussions.  
  • We’re back in the office: I don’t know about you, but while Zoom has been a great tool to enable us to connect during the various lockdowns, there is nothing like face-to-face. Good news. The Pekada advisers are back in the office and are available for in-person meetings. If Zoom is still your preference, then no worries at all, as the digital meeting format will continue to be available.
  • Upping our knowledge and skills on behavioural finance: We are committed to continuing to improve skills, and this has recently taken our team on the journey through the world of behavioural finance. Our advice team have all completed an academy immersing themselves in “Values-Based Advice”. It is such an exciting journey, which we are confident will help us support our clients to live richly. To assist us in delivering this to our clients, we have partnered with advice tech business Lumiant, who are doing some pretty amazing things. Lumiant’s philosophy aligns with how we think about financial advice. “Lumiant’s unique process helps clients articulate what really matters to them, so together we can identify priorities, shape strategies and drive action to ensure they live their best lives.” We look forward to bringing this to you in 2022. 
  • A look at the Firetrail Absolute Return Strategy: We have got some feedback that managed investments can sometimes be a little confusing, with one client aptly describing them as a bit like a “black box”. To try and demystify these, we are planning to do regular interviews with fund managers and hear straight from the horse’s mouth about their strategies. So the first cab off the rank is Firetrail investments, with Investment Director Kyle Macintyre talking through their Firetrail Absolute Return Strategy. Video ca be viewed via this link. Being the first attempt, style points are not where we want them to be–but Pete is keen to know if we are on the right track with this type of content. Let him know via email here.



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The Office (Pekada edition) – November 2020

While the physical office locations have been gathering dust, the Pekada team has been keeping busy working from home. While absence does make the heart grow fonder, I am pleased to report that our regular virtual morning tea is going to be replaced with a very analogue in-person lunch next Thursday. Zac wasted no time after Dan Andrews announced an easing of restrictions to secure our team Christmas Party lunch down in what he describes as God’s Country (Mornington Peninsula) at Ten Minutes By Tractor. Very excited to get the band back together after not being in the office since March, and hope you understand us taking the afternoon out of the office.

  • Pekada’s favourite things of 2020 is worth checking out if you are stuck for gift ideas. The options where money is not an issue really highlight how much the team love to travel. Hopefully this is back on the cards soon!
  • Pete has been participating in the “Adviser Wellness Survey” run by Deakin University and Dr Adam Fraser, a peak performance researcher. This is the first-ever national wellbeing and mental health study for financial advisers. His thoughts and summary the research findings to follow in the next edition.
  • Work from home has been the norm this year and well and truly embraced by the Pekada team. I feel the next iteration of this will be a hybrid of the physical office and “work from anywhere”. So next time you are on a video call with one of the team pay attention to the background. That beachside, outback or in Mardy’s case aurora borealis background may be the real deal! In terms of our team, at this stage (all things going well) we will return to the office in the new year. Not sure what this looks like exactly, but we will be sure to keep you informed.
  • Zac has been putting the hard work nurturing his facial hair for Movember. It is his best effort yet, which makes me think he has a secret weapon hair growth formula.
    • A pretty poor attempt, even with the Vitamins, apologies to anyone who may have had a zoom call with me and has had to look at it! – Zac


  • In case anyone was wondering whether those seedlings planted during lockdown have progressed. It was looking pretty lush prior to harvesting this week!

how it started : how it’s going



  • Zac and Pete reached the 100 episode milestone for The Wealth Collective Podcast, and took the opportunity to record the episode in person (safe distancing of course).



  • The Pekada team participated in the JPMorgan Corporate Challenge which was a virtual event this year. Lots of fun in spite of a very buggy app for us iPhone users. Manu and Mardy swear it was fine on Android, but we will never know for sure. The team got moving with either a walk, jog, or run fpr the same Corporate Challenge distance that has been used since the 1977 debut in Central Park– 3.5 miles or 5.6327 kilometers. To confirm we completed this successfully, we have “finisher” t-shirts as proof and look pretty cool. haha!



Until next time!

-The Pekada team





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Happy New Financial Year!

Happy New Financial Year!

If you are anything like me, you are hoping that the end of the financial year is the reset we need for 2020. Bring on the 2021FY, I say!! There is something about milestone dates that shifts you into ‘planning and reflecting’ mode, and this start to the 2021 financial year is no different for me.

In recent weeks, my team and I have received some wonderful comments from our clients who have reached their significant milestones/goals. This is welcomed positive vibes considering what this year has dished up so far… and if we are honest, who doesn’t like a little ego boost now and then!

A couple of these really stand out, as their planned early retirements have been part of on ongoing planning process for over a decade each. Not even the “Covid curveball” has stood in the way of it becoming a reality (and on schedule) in 2020.

What I love most about these milestones, is that we were able to play a role in ensuring these “plans” became a reality despite the many curveballs over the years. It is not always smooth sailing and often resembles a rollercoaster more than the beautifully smooth graphs used in the initial plan and modelling to set course. Call me crazy, but I like the rollercoaster and challenge of it all. On some subconscious level, I am sure it makes the success that much sweeter.

Planning is personal, and as advisers, we are fully invested in our clients achieving what is important to them. It is a privilege and why I got into and love financial planning.

Here’s to an awesome 2021 Financial Year!

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The Office – Christmas 2019 Edition!

It has been a busy few months heading into Christmas at Pekada HQ!

Rhiannon and Zac both sat there FASEA exam in late September, all financial advisers must sit and pass the exam before January 2021 as part of the new education requirements for advisers. The exam tests general financial planning concepts and knowledge along with an emphasis on the ethical obligations we have. I’m glad to say that they both passed with flying colours!

Rhiannon contributed and was featured in one of Australia’s most well known and highly regarded financial planners who has since retired, Noel Whittaker’s, latest book ‘Making Money Made Simple’ giving her insights on financial advice. We still have a few copies left if you’d like one just shoot us a message

We also have a brand new website! You may see a few familiar faces on the main page but hopefully you enjoy the new look website as part of our slightly new branding. If are unsure how to navigate the site or locate your regular pages then please contact us at and we will be happy to assist.

Fresh off the plane after a trip to Myanmar (Burma) in December, Zac recorded a podcast with Pete discussing their best financial and general travel tips. Be sure to have a listen here.


What many describe as the most highly anticipated shopping guide of the year – The Oprah’s Favourite Things 2019 List Is Here! Oprah lists 79 perfect presents on her list. Not to be outdone, the Pekada team thought we could offer a few suggestions of our own ‘favourite things’ from stocking stuffers to the extravagant for 2019. So here it is..

Stocking stuffers (under $25)

Nature Republic Shea Butter Steam Cream: An essential in my book. Here’s my favourite – Mardy

Transformazing Sheet Mask: Love this mask to make me look half human in this period of my life (2 little ones = minimal sleep!). I also love that its a Melbourne based business doing awesome things – Rhiannon


T2 Sips: A great accompany with a great book! My favourite? English Breakfast Tea that is a little on the sweet side – Kirsty

New Look oversized t-shirt – black: Can’t go wrong with a plain black tee – Zac

Ecoya Vanilla Bean Mini Diffuser: A great accompany to any room at home – Manu

Hey Tiger chocolates: Ethical, Chocolate and made in Melbourne… enough said! Delicious and you won’t be getting any complaints on this gift. Highly suggest you try “The Weekend” for yourself which is a mix of caramel and cracker crumb.

When you are trying to impress (Up to $200)

Nanoleaf Light Panels: Put simply, a great edition to any room. Great, fun, artistic lights – Mardy


Riparide Story Voucher: Love this as it does all the thinking for a unique local getaway (where to stay, things to do, places to eat) at a variety of price points – Rhiannon


Kindle Paperwhite: My pride and joy – Kirsty


Comme Des Garcons Wonderoud: One of my favourite fragrances – Zac


Crown Spa Melbourne: Once in a while, you must splurge on yourself – Manu


Good Food Gift Card: This is the gift that keeps giving as it gets the initially warm and fuzzy feeling from getting a gift, but also gets the recipient to take some time out with a friend or loved one to share a meal. There is life after Uber Eats!


Sky is the limit (imagining we just won lotto and price is not a consideration!)

Audeze LCD-2 OR Devialet Phantom Gold – Eargasm? Yes please! Depending on your preference for listening to music or watching movies – Mardy

Tickets and travel to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics – Good timing for this one as it only comes around every 4 years and is in a brilliant city to boot! With 55 Olympic and Paralympic Sports to choose from it is a sport lovers paradise. For what it is worth, my pick would be the gold medal game for the basketball. After embarrassing themselves in the World Cup, team USA will be out to make a statement and I am tipping all of the big names including LeBron to be there.

Original Artwork by Grotti Lotti: Amazing artist from my hometown, every now and then some original artworks come up for sale – Rhiannon


Bunnings voucher for home renovations: I’ve ran out of paint and I need a whole new garden. Yes please! – Kirsty

Courtside tickets to the NBA Lakers vs Clippers game: Would love to see Lebron James and Anthony David take on Kawhi Leonard and Paul George – Zac


Family holiday to Disney Land: Yes please! – Manu



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5 Common mistakes to avoid this EOFY

Leaving it too late

Like in most other cases, the earlier you consult your financial adviser in the lead up to tax time, the better! Why? Well, the more time you give yourself to discuss your EOFY strategy, the more time you’ll have to act on it. Leaving your consultation too late may result in missed opportunities to carry out your tax time plan. Financial success starts with planning, so give yourself a head start by getting in there early.

Ignoring your superannuation

While it is not uncommon for individuals to approach superannuation with a set and forget attitude, it is definitely in your best interest to make use of the extra cashflow with your future in mind. Come June 30, personal contributions and salary sacrifices will greatly benefit your future financial longevity and will assist in growing your retirement fund so that when the time comes, you are prepared, comfortable, and stress-free. So check to see if you might benefit from any of the superannuation contribution related benefits including spouse contributions, personal deductible contributions or government co-contribution to name a few.

Going in blind

The EOFY is more often than not an extremely busy period. Taking the time to plan, organise and understand your financial position in the lead up to tax time will not only help you consolidate your strategy, but will also help you save on time and money. Avoid the notorious tax time headache and ensure you are organised for a quick and painless June 30. Common financial advice related deductions could include income protection premiums, investment related expenses and in some cases your financial advice fees – so be sure to confirm these with your tax adviser ASAP to avoid missing out on deductions.

Spending it all at once

Before committing to that fancy new car, nice pair of speakers or brand new lounge suite, it is essential to have devised a cashflow strategy for tax time. While your inbox might be full of the latest promotions and sales from your favourite stores, don’t be fooled! Chewing through your tax return is something worth avoiding, particularly when there are so many other great ways to utilise the extra funds. Speak to your adviser about alternative uses for your tax returns to help you grow your money rather than lose it!

Overclaiming expenses

One of the biggest, and most overlooked, traps during the EOFY period is overclaiming expenses. This year, the ATO have warned they will be paying close attention to those extra expenses that often fly under the radar, particularly those associated with work-related clothing and laundry expenses. Keep it simple and swim between the flags – no proof, no claim.

As always, if you have any queries, require assistance or would like to clarify any particular details relating to EOFY, please don’t hesitate in contacting me at


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