The Office - August 2020

Keep up to date with what's happening in the Pekada office!

The Office – August 2020

The Pekada team, like many others, is into their fifth month of working from home and that has led to some new hobbies in between their video calls. Some are getting creative through painting and cooking whilst others are trying to grow their own fruit and vegetables and work on their jump shot. 

Rhiannon got creative and was able to paint and sticker Remy and Mette’s rooms and it looks great! The paint was from Melbourne company Tint and the stickers from Blond + Noir and Olive et Oriel


Pete and Zac have started to try and live off the land and eliminate a few extra trips to the supermarket by growing their own vegetables. Stay tuned for next edition of The Office to see how they go!


Pete is also attempting to assemble a basketball ring to work on his jump shot in the backyard. Take note of the business up the top, comfort down below outfit. Perfect for video calls. 

Also, you will note the patchy state of the lawn behind him. Help! Any lawn gurus out there, please send Pete some tips.


Jackie has been very busy in the kitchen during the break, learning many new dishes. One of them pictured below!