Investment Advice & Management

The only problem with short term gains is that they are, by definition, for the short term. Rome wasn't built in a day and your personal, sustainable wealth empire needs to stand the test of time.

We take a tailored approach to constructing your portfolio based on your needs and preferences so that you have a portfolio that reflects you and delivers what you need.

  • Personalisation: At Pekada, we understand that every individual has unique financial needs and preferences. We customise your investment portfolio, considering all these nuances to ensure it reflects your goals, values, risk tolerance and preferences.
  • Transparency: Our approach is rooted in honesty and clarity. You’ll have round-the-clock access to your investment data and regular updates from us, so you’re always informed about how your investments are performing and where your money is allocated.
  • Diversification: A diversified approach across asset classes, geographies, industries, currencies, and investment styles ensures you are not gambling on a single path to investing success. Diversification helps safeguard your portfolio against market volatility and helps smooth out the bumps that are a part of long-term investing.
  • Tax aware to your personal situation: Our strategies are designed keeping in mind your personal tax situation, with a focus on your after-tax returns.
  • Ongoing monitoring: We continuously track and evaluate your portfolio’s performance against the market trends and your individual investment objectives.


Consider Pekada your long-term investment advocate and partner in your success. We ensure you have 24/7 access to the information you need and partner with the best investment providers so that you can be confident that your money is working hard for you.


Here is how we help you manage your investments:

  1. Clarify your wealth creation goals
  2. Understand your investment preferences
  3. Assess your comfort with levels of investment risk
  4. Review your current investments against your preferences and the broader investment universe.
  5. Build a portfolio which aligns with your goals and preferences and is managed by experienced professionals.
  6. Maintenance of your investments ongoing as your life and priorities change.


Our tailored and individually managed portfolios include the following investments:

  • Direct shares (Australian and international)
  • Managed funds
  • Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
  • Exchange Traded Products (ETPs)
  • Term deposits
  • Managed accounts
  • Cash management accounts
  • Listed Investment Companies (LICs)


To find out how Pekada’s investment management services can help you achieve your wealth creation goals, book a meeting with us today.